Monday, April 26

Day 15- Tyson

78.7 miles- McDaniels to Sebree, KY

The day would have been very dull if it were not for the saving graces of a county toilet. I saw many of these in south-western Virginia and eastern Kentucky but never got a picture. The device is essentially a simple donjon with one ingenious key advancement. These county donjons are suspended above a river with a hole in the floor and are therefore "pumped" naturally.

I stopped for breakfast at a country place for a much needed respite from the rain. When the man in front of me wanted his check he yelled "HEY WENCH!" His wife was sitting across from him and hardly reacted. Oh, Kentucky!

At about one I was passed by a large semi that sounded like a passing chirp. By the third one I realized they were stacked high with chicken cages. At three I discovered the morose din was coming from enormous Tyson chicken farms that adorned both sides of the road. As the trucks continued to pass I had to turn my head to avoid being covered with feathers.

While pulling into Sebree I got a well timed shot of a coal barge with a coal plant in the background. Tonight I am staying in a biker hostel run by a Baptist Church that is extremely luxurious and preparing for tomorrow- another wet day with defeating headwinds.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your blog everyday. Keep up the diligent writing (and riding of course)!! I saw that all of your bike and gear weigh close to 100 pounds!! Surely you brought some things that you are finding out that you don't need that are heavy. Any advice on things to leave at home? I should be posting an equipment list on my blog soon ( so if you see that I'm missing something that you think is essential, let me know! Keep having fun.
